October 4, 2007, 7:00 PM: Panel on the Impact of Sprawl on Natural Resources. Brian Hill will serve as one of 4 panelists. Location: Widener Law School in Harrisburg. PEC is co-sponsoring with PCIEP.
October 15, 2007: PEC presenting to Joint Committee on our Climate Change Roadmap: Location: Harrisburg, PA
October 15, 2007, 6:00 PM: Philadelphia Urban Sustainability Forum - Mayoral Debate - Submit your YouTube questions by October 5th. Location: Academy of Natural Sciences. 19th and Ben Franklin Parkway.
October 18, 2007, 6:00PM: PEC NE Dinner. Nancy Cole from the Union of Concerned Scientists is the featured speaker. Location: Woodlands Inn, Wilkes-Barre.
October 19, 2007, 12noon: Environmental Partners Program in Philadelphia. Jointly sponsored by Senator Erickson and Representative Vitali.
October 23, 2007, 9:00AM-4:00PM: COALS Summit in Harrisburg. Location: Pennsylvania State Capitol Building North Office Building, Hearing Room 1, Harrisburg Please.
More info on all these events can be found on http://www.pecpa.org under "news and events."